The summer months are the perfect time for couples to say "I do" to each other. After all, the presence of the sun makes each wedding that little bit extra festive. Although the sun is a common factor at many of these weddings, each wedding has its own theme. One theme that is very popular this year with (prospective) couples is the combination of classic green and white. In this blog, you'll read how to assist your clients in visually dressing up the most beautiful day of their lives with this setting.

Enchanting elegance
With a variety of white flowers and subtle green accents, you can create an enchanting ambiance at your clients' bridal parties. A great way to make this colour combination stand out is to use a mix of cut greenery as a background, with the enchanting Avalanche+ roses as the radiant centrepiece. The white Avalanche+ rose stands out thanks to its beautiful, full flower bud, which symbolizes affection. By complementing the cut foliage and Avalanche+ roses with, for example, white hydrangeas, lilies and ivy, you can complete the "timelessly elegant" theme. This is how you can assist your clients in organizing a stunning wedding.

The power of Avalanche+
The Avalanche+ proves itself year in, year out as a wedding flower par excellence. But what makes this particular rose so suitable for decoration at weddings? "The Avalanche+ has something special, there is real life in the flower," says Arie Messemaker, rose purchaser at Van der Plas. " Wherever you come across the Avalanche+, it always succeeds in making people happy. The large, full flower speaks to people. It is the only rose that always opens. This quality rose also keeps for at least a week, so you can enjoy its beauty even after the wedding is over. It therefore pleases me to see that the Avalanche+ is growing in popularity again."

Artisanal quality
The elegant Avalanche+ rose, which is the centrepiece of the timeless theme with green and white, originates at Van den Berg Roses, Flourishing Partner of Van der Plas. This family business still cuts the roses twice a day in the traditional way. By cutting the roses at the right time of maturity, the flowers achieve perfect bloom. This is reflected in the gorgeous roses, which are perfect for any wedding. The roses last longer and are of high quality. Because Van den Berg Roses is Van der Plas' Flourishing Partner, Van der Plas always has plenty of the high-quality Avalanche+ roses in its range.

Certainty with pre-ordering
Already inspired to bring the classic green and white theme to life with your creativity? With the special wedding list, you can place your order straight away, even if the wedding flowers will not be delivered for several months. You also have certainty about the price of your order, so you can make an estimate for the bride and groom-to-be without any worries.

Set the mood
Would you like to colour your clients' upcoming wedding with the classic colour combination green and white? Then you have come to the right place at Van der Plas. At Van der Plas, you will find the unique Avalanche+ rose as well as other beautiful white flowers and vibrant cut foliage to complete your arrangements. So, what are you waiting for? Bring the classic theme to life with green and white during a beautiful wedding celebration!
Order the Avalanche+