With a wide and variable range of seasonal products, Nursery Grootscholten provides beautiful plants all year round. Although the cultivation company is already somewhat older with its 69 years of existence, it is still constantly innovating. Continuous innovation and a sustainable cultivation policy form the stable basis with which Van der Plas' Flourishing Partner has been growing top-quality plants for years.

Summer flowers and seasonal produce
Nursery Grootscholten grows many different potted plants, with the main focus being the cultivation of summer annuals, including Calibrachoa, petunias, osteospermum, fuchsias, brachicome, begonias and verbenas.
The grower consciously chooses to grow many different varieties, colours and pot sizes to create a very diverse assortment. Kwekerij Grootscholten also grows various seasonal products. For instance, in the summer, perennials, portulaca and lavandula grow in the Flourishing Partners' greenhouses. In autumn, the grower grows among others aster and chrysanthemum garden mum.

Sustainable growing
Sustainability plays an important role in the cultivation of cyclamen, summer flowers and other seasonal products. For example, Kwekerij Grootscholten participates in the Vogelaer geothermal heat project to sustainably heat the greenhouses. Furthermore, the grower uses sustainably produced and reusable raw materials as much as possible to keep the ecological footprint as small as possible. To protect the plants against pests, Kwekerij Grootscholten uses biological pesticides as much as possible. By using the natural enemies of the pests, no harmful insecticides need to be used.

Ideal gift for mum
Because Kwekerij Grootscholten cultivates an extensive range of plants all year round, you can always order plants that suit your customers' needs. For example, with Mother's Day approaching, the mixed pots of calibrachoa are the perfect ingredient for a gift with which your customers will show their appreciation for their mother. The calibrachoa symbolises caring, dedication and surrender; three great qualities that characterise the mother's care for her child.

Something for everyone
Nursery Grootscholten's extensive range contains plants for every situation. This allows you to respond flexibly to the various seasons and the needs of your customers. Discover Nursery Grootscholten's rich collection and brighten up your shop with beddingplants like calibrachos, brachicome and verbenas.
Order bedding plants