Flower Bulbs
High-quality bulbs that that have minimal impact on the environment? Sustainable flower bulbs are certainly on the rise. Yet we still often hear people say that sustainable bulbs are very expensive. However, armed with a little extra knowledge, it doesn’t have to be like this. We’ll show you exactly what to look out for when buying sustainable bulbs this spring.

In recent years, sustainability has become an increasingly important issue. It is also becoming a common requirement among customers and as a result, the flower bulb sector has grown to cater to this demand. There are many certifications that help to make the sector as sustainable as possible. In addition, growers are taking various measures to achieve this. Using the latest technologies, they work to ensure that the environment is harmed as little as possible.

Certifications & Initiatives
What initiatives are there to make the bulb sector more sustainable? And what certifications can bulb growers use to prove their commitment to quality, transparent sustainable practices and a fair working environment? One of the leading certifications within the flower and plant sector is the MPS-Florimark production. Companies holding this certification align their social obligations with sustainability and quality. The MPS A+ sub-certification is one of the highest sustainable certifications and has been achieved by a large proportion of Dutch bulb growers.

How does it work?
What does an organic and sustainable grower do differently from other bulb growers? An example of this is inundation. Though it sounds complicated, inundation simply means flooding a piece of land for a longer period of time. This combats a number of diseases, pests and weeds in the soil. As a result, the soil becomes healthier and the overall quality of the flower bulb improves.
Another way in which a grower can grow more sustainably is by using as few pesticides and artificial fertiliser as possible. Instead, the sustainable bulb grower uses natural means to protect the bulbs.

Tips & tricks
What should you pay attention to if you want to buy sustainable flower bulbs? We list a number of tips:
In order to make the world a bit greener, buy products that come from a sustainable supplier.
Pay attention to the type of packaging used by the grower. More and more growers are using biodegradable pots. This is one way in which growers can improve their environmentally friendly growing process.
Did you know that hyacinths and daffodils can be replanted in the garden after flowering in the pot? This way they come back, and you can enjoy this beautiful flower or plant again and again.
In our webshop you will also find the necessary information about the certification of the grower! You can see whether the grower is MPSA+ or GlobalGAP certified, so you can always opt for sustainability.

New start
Start buying sustainable flowers and flower bulbs today. That is why we have prepared a special selection of super durable hyacinths for you this week.
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