Frequently asked questions
Ordering is very simple with us. Nevertheless, sometimes questions arise that we are happy to answer.Do you have a question about our web shop, assortment or an order? Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. Is your question missing? Then visit our website or ask your account manager.
Does the webshop work on all devices?
The web shop works on all devices such as PCs, laptops, and smartphones. If it does not work for you, please contact your contact person so that we can help you with the setup.
On which browser does the webshop work best?
Our web shop works in all browsers. The web shop is optimized for Google Chrome.
How do I choose a departure day?
Go to the menu on the left side. Click the calendar icon, then the calendar will open. Select the desired departure day and click on “Continue shopping”. Your selected departure day is entered in the calendar icon.
How do I buy from the webshop?
Go to the menu on the left side. Click on the desired product group (flowers, plants, decoration) and select the desired item you would like to purchase. Click on “+”to buy 1 unit or 1 package. The units of cut flowers that you buy when you click on “+”, you can also set yourself with the slider in the upper right corner. Slide to the left on packages, then you buy per package (bucket or box). Slide to the right on VE, then you buy per unit (bundle). You can also click on the desired article, then this article appears including all information in the detail screen on the top right. Under this information you can enter what quantities you want to buy of this item.
How do I search in the webshop?
When you have selected a product group, you can click the search icon. Then the search bar will open. You can search by name, or by color. The web shop will search automatically according to your input.
How do I filter in the webshop?
If you want to select in a product group, please click on the filter icon. There you can filter on color, length, or breeder. You can also filter several colors at once.
How do I confirm my purchase in the shopping cart?
You do not need to confirm your shopping cart. All the products you are shopping are automatically confirmed after 10 minutes. When you click “done shopping” or when you log out, the system will automatically send you an order confirmation by mail.
How do I change or cancel quantities?
Within 10 minutes after your purchase, you have the possibility to change or cancel the quantities (set quantity to zero). After 10 minutes the order is automatically confirmed.