Top roses
for Valentine's Day by Porta Nova. Valentine's Day is just around the corner! This is the perfect time to surprise your customers with the most beautiful roses. At Van der Plas, we know how important this holiday is for you as a florist. A successful Valentine's Day starts with the right assortment for your shop. That is why we always offer all florists for Valentine's Day, but also on other important holidays, the chance to pre-order flowers in time. This way, you are assured of top quality, sufficient stock and hassle-free preparation.

Red Naomi roses
When it comes to luxury and quality, Porta Nova's Red Naomi roses are number one. Their velvety red hue, long stems, large flower buds and subtle fragrance make them the perfect choice for a stunning Valentine's Day bouquet. With a long vase life and excellent transport quality, these roses are the ideal choice for your customers.
In our Valentine order list, you will find a selection of the wonderful Porta Nova range:
Unica: gorgeous, high-quality roses with an elegant look.
Magna: perfect for those looking for consistent quality all year round.
Supra: the absolute best, with extra-large buds and thick stems.
New: FUTURA Red Naomi, the sustainable choice.
Which roses will you make your customers happy?

FUTURA Red Naomi
Especially for Valentine's Day, we introduce the FUTURA Red Naomi! Exclusively available at Van der Plas. This special rose combines luxury with sustainability and is the most eco-friendly red rose on the European market.
At Porta Nova, everything is done to minimise environmental impact:
Growing without gas, thanks to heat storage from summer.
LED lighting, for energy saving and optimum lighting conditions.
Rainwater collection and reuse, through closed systems.
Biological crop protection, with natural enemies and UVC solar canons.
With the FUTURA rose, you offer your customers not only a beautiful product, but also an inspiring sustainability story. Thanks to the minimal additional price, the sustainable choice is accessible and attractive.

Your Valentine roses
At Van der Plas, you can easily place your Valentine's Day order in advance. Do you want to be assured of the best roses, such as the exclusive FUTURA? Book today and assure yourself of hassle-free preparation, a wide range and top quality.
Why choose Van der Plas for your Valentine's Day order?
Be assured of flowers of your choice: pre-order in advance.
Exclusive offer: sustainable FUTURA roses for your customers.
Personalized service: from selection to delivery.
Impress with Porta Nova roses, such as the classic Red Naomi or the innovative FUTURA. These stunning roses combine timeless beauty with durability. Perfect for romantic bouquets and luxurious floral arrangements.
Show that beauty and sustainability can go together. Visit our webshop and place your pre-order today.
Pre-order your flowers